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Third-Party IPv6 Tools & Resources

These external tools, documents and references, collected by the Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence team, provide valuable insight when planning IPv6 adoption initiatives for any network.

Podcasts & Blogs

  • IPv6 Buzz Podcast – Hosts Ed Horley, Scott Hogg and Tom Coffeen (all published IPv6 authors and experts) explain why and how IPv6 should be a part of your organization’s network and help you form a practical IPv6 adoption strategy.
  • Core Networking and Security – Infoblox TAB member Scott Hogg’s “Core Networking and Security” blog on the Network World site brings his real-world expertise to numerous internetworking topics, especially IPv6.


  • IPv6 Address Planning – Tom Coffeen, O’Reilly Media. This comprehensive guide gets you started by showing you how to create an effective IPv6 address plan.
  • IPv6 Security – Scott Hogg and Eric Vyncke, Cisco Press. In IPv6 Security, two of the world’s leading Internet security practitioners review each potential security issue introduced by IPv6 networking and present today’s best solutions.
  • Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators – Edward Horley, Apress. Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators is a handy guide to implementing IPv6 in a Microsoft Windows environment.

Statistics & Adoption Analysis

Services & Consulting

  • HexaBuild – IPv6 consulting offers a combined 70+ years of IPv6 real-world design, deployment and training experience for both enterprise and service providers. It covers Advancing Cloud, IoT and Security with IPv6.
  • IPv6 Certifications – Hurricane Electric offers free IPv6 certification. Reach “IPv6 Sage” level (be prepared to successfully configure DNS and mail for IPv6) and get a free T-shirt.
  • IPv6 Tunnel Broker – Hurricane Electric’s Tunnel Broker service is the best way (i.e., it works well and it’s free) to get an IPv4 host or network connected to the IPv6 Internet via an easy-to-configure tunnel. How else are you going to get a /48 routed to your laptop?!

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