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See and stop
cyberthreats earlier

Infoblox DNS Detection and Response is the only solution that lets you see attacker infrastructure as it’s created, stop both known and likely threats earlier without compromising network performance, block attacks other security tools miss, and dramatically reduce your Mean Time to Respond (MTTR).


of malicious activity can be blocked using DNS
Up to0%
improvement in SecOps efficiency by leveraging DNS data
malicious and suspicious domains were identified by Infoblox just last year

Know all your
network assets

Get real-time user and device forensics from an authoritative network asset database

Disrupt attacker
supply chains

Only Infoblox can track DNS threat actor infrastructure as it’s built, then proactively disrupt those criminal domains as they appear while maintaining network performance

security efficiency

Automate and integrate real-time security insights across your ecosystem and improve SecOps efficiency by up to 34%*
*Forrester Total Economic Impact Study 2021

threats earlier

See and stop all types of malicious threats earlier-regardless of device or OS-including malware, C2, ransomware and more

Reduce risk

Protect your evolving hybrid multi-cloud and core network infrastructure, including IoT/OT


With DNS Detection and Response capabilities, you can reduce your Mean Time To Respond (MTTR) from months to hours

Dive deeper into DNS security

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