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Solving Hidden SecOps Vulnerabilities with
Network Discovery

ThreatTalk season 3 episode 12

The SecOps benefits from device visibility is limited if that data is incomplete. Depending on DHCP alone can leave gaps in missed devices and partial data. Rogue DHCP, rogue devices, and more present risks that SecOps cannot ignore.

This episode of threat talk will focus on how to fill in these gaps with the help of Bob Rose, our resident expert on networking technologies. As we investigate ‘discovery’ technologies, we’ll look at some additional security benefits they can provide in a world where any vulnerability can be exploited with devastating results.


Bob Rose, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, DDI & Value-Added Services, Infoblox

Bob listens to customers and understands the challenges of modern mid-to large-size enterprises. Drawing from over 30 years of product marketing and management in core networking, robotic process automation (RPA), fintech, wireless and mobile apps, GIS, biometrics, financial services and healthcare, he combines strategy and tactics into a pragmatic view to advocate for and best serve customers.

Bob Hansmann, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Infoblox

Bob Hansmann has been in security for over three decades addressing everything from insider threats to advanced multi-vector, zero-day attacks. Over his career, he has helped many of today’s leading security vendors pioneer and introduce many new technologies as a developer, architect, product manager, and marketer. He currently heads a family with three generations of CTOs, developers, and security analysts, so he sometimes finds it hard to differentiate work from family time.

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