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Losing Sleep over Security: A Halloween Review

ThreatTalk season 3 episode 18

There is no shortage of “Scary Stories” for Halloween or Cybersecurity Awareness month this year. But a lot of them, despite the media hype, won’t cause most security professionals to lose any sleep. But others might. So, we’ve invited back Ed Hunter, the CISO for Infoblox, to talk about the last year and what threats, trends or technologies landed on his list of things to be concerned about.


Ed Hunter, CISO, Infoblox

Ed Hunter is an experienced security, risk and compliance professional with over 20 years of industry experience. Currently, Ed leads Information Security at Infoblox as CISO and is responsible for Security Operations and Compliance, including certification initiatives such as FedRAMP and SOC-2. Ed joined Infoblox from Palo Alto Networks where he created and led the security team there. In addition to building the security team, he established a leading-edge Red Team and product security program including certifications such as SOC2. He also implemented many security improvements in policy, access control, vulnerability scanning/patching, log management and encryption. His experiences cover a vast range of industries from cybersecurity, space and defense, semiconductor, health technology and more at other companies such as Philips, Space Systems Loral, Trident Microsystems, NXP, EDS, IBM and Lotus Development and holds CISSP and CISA Certifications.

Bob Hansmann, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Infoblox

Bob Hansmann has been in security for over three decades addressing everything from insider threats to advanced multi-vector, zero-day attacks. Over his career, he has helped many of today’s leading security vendors pioneer and introduce many new technologies as a developer, architect, product manager, and marketer. He currently heads a family with three generations of CTOs, developers, and security analysts, so he sometimes finds it hard to differentiate work from family time.

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